Friday, February 11, 2011

Things I wish I had brought....

my perfume
a loofa
regular sized shampoo and conditioner
regular sized towel
beach towel
beach bag--did I think i would just bring my D&G purse down to the sand??

of course thats why Steph and I went to the mall today.  ready guys....

6 Floors and 4 Blocks

heaven? duh....

We got lost a few times and are generally tired from jet lag (i'll be blaming my lethargy on that until i'm back in the states) and from walking around all the time but it was good fun (her british-ness is rubbing off on me).  Sleeping in bunk beds on "mattresses" doesn't help either.  My pillow almost fell off the bed last night, probably wouldn't have noticed since its paper thin.  Ahh, a pillow.  Adding that to the list. 

Maybe I should have taken Bed, a new zealander, up on his offer for a 'nightcap' in the hotel  last night.  Is that what we're calling it now a days?  He was very sweet but the accent was just a bit off (sorry Piri) and he simply wasn't my type.  We told him we'd be tanning all day and to find us on the beach, oops, mother natures a bitch and made it gloomy all day.  Steph and I had too many unwanted admirers (my original title for this post) ranging from a 50yr old blown out man from Istanbul to a twenty something Brazilian guy who can't handle his liquor.  The night was still fun, we had a few beers and didn't have to pay for them.  (sidenote: Also I'll be saving lots of money on not tipping the bartenders here!)  went home around 3 and straight to bed.  Then straight to the mall in the morning!

Went grocery shopping.  Even those are strange.  The dog food was with the frozen vegetables.  Got some chicken and cereal and milk that doesn't need to be refrigerated until its opened.  Im extremely skeptical but Steph said its fine and they have in Englad too.  England is strange also though so that didn't console me too much.  We got on the public bus back with our grocery bags and stuff from the mall.
I'm a size 10 here.
Let me pause for a sec while I do one million sit-ups and go run a marathon.
I just gotta stop looking at the numbers, an 8 is a small.....8 is not a small number.

Dorian got my phone working! She is a goddess.  recieving texts is only 5cents but sending is 50 so feel free to text me but don't get offended when I ignore you and then reply 3 days later via facebook  :)

About to go cook dinner, I'll try not to burn the hostel down when I use the stove.  Good thing its raining.

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