Saturday, February 12, 2011

gloom and doom

the weather sucks.  Its raining.  I didn't pack a jacket/sweater/pants/anything to keep me warm.  WTF summer?

just bought my ticket to New Zealand though!  the flight leaves at 7am on a Saturday, god I hope I make it.  I have this strong sensation that i'm going to forget I even bought a ticket altogether. 

Moving into the other hostel tomorrow, which means I have to pack tonight, get kicked out at 10am and can't check in until 1pm.  I guess I'll be having a reallly long lunch. 

Apparently Sunday nights are big in Bondi so Steph and I will be going to the hotel we've been at for the past 2 nights, maybe people will think I'm local.  Probably not since I still have a sunburn line on my chest from the first day. 

Excited about going to New Zealand especially since that means my 3 month Visa will restart, aka my 3months will start again when I come back!  I'll try not to be gone forever......after being at Bay of Islands I'll probably buy a ticket on the Kiwi Experience.  Its this bus that you can hop on and hop off at different cities around New Zealand and they get you accomidation for the night and its basically a party bus that brings you to cool places and pays for you to do cool stuff like go hot tubing in hot geysers and ziplining and skydiving and bungee jumping all while being in a beautiful country.  Sounds good since I'm travelling alone, seems easy to meet people when you do things like that. 

I'm tired.  and hungry.  Steph needs to wake up so we can make our chili con carne.  Its been hilarious talking to each while grocery shopping.  Just because we both speak English doesn't mean its the same language.  We have a sashey of spices aka a packet to mix our beef with.  And we didn't go to the grocery we went to the supermarket (yahh some of you call it that and its weird).  While there I pushed the trolley around and explained to her what Hamburger Helper and Rice-A-Roni are.  We went to buy a bell pepper and she had to calm me down from thinking it was 10dollars.  It was $10/kg.  How much is a kg??  Also, there was redbull in a BOTTLE, like a beer bottle and no, they don't sell Aussie hair products here.  oh yeah, and there was a beer can looking can of Jim Beam on the side of the road on our way back.

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