Monday, February 28, 2011

Pipi Patch

I am in the infamous Bay of Islands.  Its official, I made it to one of the most beautiful places on Earth.  Now that I've looked around, what is there to actually DO?  Piri took a picture of me "with scenery" so now that thats done I've got to find something to occupy my time without spending thousands of dollars.  Paihia is a very touristy town, very cute with great views across the bay at some islands and another town called Russell.  I'll be here for a week and am going to become very familiar with its downtown, aka one street with stores all containing 'original New Zealand souveniors".  I've been told I was given a great NZ souvenior in Australia already.  While Piri was helping me sort through my coins I showed him a 50p coin that nobody would take. He called it antique.  I call it someone owing me 50p. 

I landed in Auckland on the 26th after a very rough night.  Well, the night was fine, the morning was rough.  As it was my last night I went to Beach Road in the afternoon with Craig and we played pool and had some beer and met some people.  Then we walked back to the hostel which took us right by the liquor store so it only seemed logical to go in and get some liquor.  I steered clear of the wine (have I finally learned my lesson?) and we got boxed Smirnoff vodka cranberry mix.  It tasted like cranberry juice.  So it was good, but very misleading, just because it doesn't taste strong, doesn't mean it isn't.  Australia is very cautious about overconsumption of things and addiction, they have signs posted everywhere about how smoking kills and gambling is addictive and when is one drink too many?--When your lying in the road by yourself is what the ad seems to be telling me. So the box had a suggested serving size of 10 and informed us that we had a serious problem if the box did not contain 10 servings for us personally.  The box was good for 5 servings.  We were able to pour 3 mugs worth and then refill 2 of them.  Unproportional serving size is universal apparently.

Awake at 4:37 was a stroke of luck considering I needed to be leaving for my flight at 5.  Good thing I had haphazardly packed the night before and only have the one backpack during my journey (I still long for my entire closet every morning when I put on that one dress, AGAIN).  Slept on the plane and arrived in a time zone even closer to home!  Now I am only 3 hours behind but a day ahead of you all!  Well, 4 hours behind for those of you in Colorado, but you get the drift. 

In the hostel I met these really nice girls in my 8 bed dorm and the 4 of us went out that night.  I was extremely tired but trying to be friendly so we took a cab to Pondersby st. (or something) and went to Social Club.  It was an alley.  Like, there were 2 stores, with a space between them that a bouncer put a rope up and checked our ID's to go into an alley.  There was a bar ($7 a beer! what a rip....) and a DJ (he looked about 12, and seemed just as experienced) so we drank and we danced and it was fun.  But good god I was tired and by the time it 2 everyone was still drinking and dancing and I was falling asleep.  Finally the lights came up about 2:45 and we jumped in a cab straight to McDonalds on Queen ST.  which I learned the next day is the busiest street in all of New Zealand.  One quarter pounder and medium fries later I was ready to hit the sack and walked as fast I could, leading the pack, back to our hostel where I promptly got into bed and fell asleep until 10:45 the next day.
At noon I was supposed to meet a guy named Ben.  He is British, has lived in New Zealand for 4 years and thinks everything is Brilliant!  Its not a stereotype if its true, it just is--all Brits think everyday mundane things are brilliant, such as my flight being ontime, and drink tea.  He picked me up and showed me around Auckland.  I'm really grateful I met him and he was so nice because I saw so much more of the city than I ever would have if I hadn't.  If he didn't show up that day my plan was to finish the candy bar I just bought, take a nap and maybe get on the internet.  You can tell New Zealand will do wonders for my health.....

So we went to Mt. Eden, got lunch at Circus Circus, a breakfast place that looks like the hotel in Vegas, went across the Auckland Bridge ( he highly recommends doing the bungee jump, as does Piri so Ithink I may have to) and went to a beach.  Beach Minnehaha.  And it was Mini.  About 20ft wide of sand and heaps of black rocks to either side that you can jump off of.  Then we went into Davenport and could look across the bay at Auckland.  He was really sweet and took pictures of me with random things and backgrounds.  He dropped me off at the hostel where I then Skyped with Aaron and then slept for about 5 hours.  It was glorious.

The next day, which is today!, I got up at 7am and went to Subway.  Not just for fun....I bought a footlong in case I got hungry on the 4 hour ride from Auckland to Paihia.  The bus, The Naked Bus, left at 8am and I slept and read and looked out for Frodo and Hobbits houses, with no luck, and arrived in Paihia to beautiful blue skies.  A quick walk to the hostel and I managed to check in and get in touch with Piri within about 20 minutes.
The room I'm in is amazing.  There are 8 beds and only 2 of us staying here, for tonight at least.  I have a bottom bunk, first time this trip! and we have our own bathroom, kitchenette and table with multiple* chairs and a mini fridge. 

Piri dropped off the jumpers from today at my hostel and then we walked down the street along the beach and decided to get some fish and chips and L&P--delicious!  Its a soda that they make and sell only in New Zealand.  Pretty selfish if you ask me  (I'd love to buy it in the States!  its like ginerger ale but better)  We walked back and looked at the tourist information stuff because I need to decide what we should do on his day off....I need to figure out what to do when he is working in this tiny little town first though.  Everything seems to require A. lots of money and B. friends to do it with.  Neither of which I have. We already decided that Wednesday night, because Thursday is his day off, we will go to Russell where the oldest bar in all of New Zealand is.  I mean, duh.  What else would we do.  But I'm thinking a 20dollar boat trip around the islands would be fun and maybe, just maybe, if the horses are as old and obedient as he says, I will get over my fear and get on one of those suckers so we can ride through a National Park or whatever. 

I'm just excited to jump from 16000 ft.  (Mainly because I'm not responsible for the landing on our tandem...but don't tell Piri that!)

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Tomorrow is the day!  Off to New Zealand.  Flying into Auckland, back to Brisbane on the 10th.  And apparently I know a couple of people there already.  That was news to me.  I've only met one of them but I guess the other guy I am family friends with aka our parents knew each other 20 years ago.  Whatever, networking never hurts. 
The 80's are back in full force down under.  I've been rocking out to Jon Bon Jovi and Madonna while grocery shopping and listening to strange "electronica" ( not our kind, the good kind) while out.  Thank god they've been playing Beiber in Maccers (McDonalds) where I get on the internet.  Did he really change his hair?  I'm pretty cut off from all news and media while here.  I really should pick up a newspaper sometime. 
I don't want to leave Bondi.  I want to stay here forever.  But I better get out and be somewhere else to see if I feel this way about everywhere and then pick a place to be.  I'm going to start looking into changing my Visa so that I can work and get a tax number and such!  If they will let me at all, I haven't even googled it yet.
When I tell people to Google things, they don't know what I mean

PS. thank you Aaron for my new title.  I know you didn't say anything to me about changing it but I was remembering us talking about my trip and my needing here they are :)  making them as they come

Monday, February 21, 2011

Quick Update

I made it.
Sorry for the suspense Dorian and Cassie- my two followers :)

I will post in detail about the weekend, but only if the family agrees not read it haha
Heres the short version:
Friday--split 3 bottles of wine between Steph and me and went with Eric to the bar where we continued the drinking.  She met an Italian.  Eric and I walked.  I fell asleep in a park until he woke me up to get in a real bed.
Saturday--Learned his name is not Eric but is Craig.  Where did I get Eric?? who knows, I just make things up apparently.  Went out Saturday too.  To the same bar where there are actually about 7 bars in one building.  Its amazing.  Spent 24 dollars on a drink. I think they know I'm foreign and overcharge.
Sunday--Went to TropFest with Andrew in the city.  Its really cool, they show a bunch of short films and Olivia Newton-John was there only about 20 feet away from me!
Monday--pretty hot, went to the beach.  Walked back for lunch just in time for the bad weather to come.  Slept and read and then actaully went on a run!  I brought those running shoes all the way out here I better start using them.
And now its Tuesday.  Leaving for NZ on Saturday morning and still need to buy a ticket back from the country or else they won't even let me in. Don't know where I want to come back to though....Melbourne? Brisbane? Sydney? Perth?  Too many options, all of them more expensive than I wanted

Thursday, February 17, 2011


So today, after a nice walk on the beach, I came back to the room to realize that my key didn't work to open the door to our room.  I would have noticed earlier if the security door actually did anything but bang shut any time someone walked through.  Apparently we were supposed to check out this morning.  Oops.  ok then into our dorm room.  oh wait, no.  We missed a night in our reservations and there was only one bed available.  I gave it to Steph, assuming that Andrew would pull through.  Fail.  So this is just the teaser, be sure to check in tomorrow and make sure I'm still alive after a night of wandering Bondi.  I guess I could always sleep on the beach?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wasn't ready for that wave....

The sun finally came out!!  Every time we talk to Jimmy the sun comes out.  He will quickly become my new best friend.

The morning we finally admitted defeat to the weather was about the 3rd day of the doom and gloom.  Steph and I woke up around 8 and started getting ready.  I even ate breakfast (is Australia turning me into a real grownup??)  We put on our trainers, yup im turning british, and our workout clothes and set off to walk from Bondi Beach to Coogee Beach.  Its a coastal walk that is suppossed to take about 2 hours one way and then, according to our old roommate Franny, duhhhh you take the bus back.  Well, as soon as we got outside we realized it was raining and then after about 30 minutes we realized it was raining hard and then we were soaking wet.  Good thing I was wearing my dry-fit workout clothes!  too bad for Steph the UK hasnt invented that yet.    I only had my phone, for pics, and some money for a possible lunch and then bus fare.  It really was beautiful and we went through Waverly Cemetary which is this cemetary (duh) with headstones that all stick up with crosses and theres family vaults and they are all on this cliff facing the ocean.  There was a huge one too that was from 1798 or something and paid for by the Irish citizens and sympathizers in Australia for one man and his wife.  We couldn't figure out who they were or why the Irish cared or why IF the Irish cared they would build a vault for them in Australia. 
Then we got to Coogee and realized it was only 11 and we had just eaten breakfast.  Plus the restaurants and lunch places were barely even open so we decided to just grab the bus and make sandwhiches back at the hostel.  Did I say we moved yet?   Its a cool place with our own mini fridge so we got groceries now :)

Then we went down and looked in Bondi Ink.  Yeah like Miami Ink and LA Ink with Kat Von D.  They have a show for it here too!  Everyone there is super nice and we chatted with the guy behind the counter, Jimmy, and then the sun came out!  He has magical powers because we went and saw him this morning too and as soon as we left the sun came out full force!  Back into our bikinis and we were on the beach.  I even fell asleep in the sand until Steph woke me up so I wouldn't burn.  She's a companion of quality too   [Thats what her dad called me :)] 

Last night for dinner we ate at the Hungry Czech.  That was an experience.  Who would have thought I'd come all the way to Sydney and eat some Eastern European food.  It was good but I don't think I'll go back.  A tad expensive and the busses stop on the street so that the back of the bus is right out front of the restaurant, right where we're eating. 

Tonight we're going down to the hotel, and only place to go out in Bondi, to check out a couple of bands.  I hope we make it to this event because we missed crab racing last night. 

Also there is this thing called Bowl-A-Rama at the skate park on Saturday so everyone is out practicing now and all these little kids can do crazy jumps and tricks and slides on the side and some of them aren't wearing any helmets or padding and the only thing I can think is, Where is their mother? and When is their curfew?
Before I speak, people think I'm Irish.  After I speak, everyone KNOWS I'm American. 
Steph says she likes just listening to my accent (uhh I don't have an accent...?) and the things I say.  Apparenlty I'm a stereotypical American.  I don't hate it.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

gloom and doom

the weather sucks.  Its raining.  I didn't pack a jacket/sweater/pants/anything to keep me warm.  WTF summer?

just bought my ticket to New Zealand though!  the flight leaves at 7am on a Saturday, god I hope I make it.  I have this strong sensation that i'm going to forget I even bought a ticket altogether. 

Moving into the other hostel tomorrow, which means I have to pack tonight, get kicked out at 10am and can't check in until 1pm.  I guess I'll be having a reallly long lunch. 

Apparently Sunday nights are big in Bondi so Steph and I will be going to the hotel we've been at for the past 2 nights, maybe people will think I'm local.  Probably not since I still have a sunburn line on my chest from the first day. 

Excited about going to New Zealand especially since that means my 3 month Visa will restart, aka my 3months will start again when I come back!  I'll try not to be gone forever......after being at Bay of Islands I'll probably buy a ticket on the Kiwi Experience.  Its this bus that you can hop on and hop off at different cities around New Zealand and they get you accomidation for the night and its basically a party bus that brings you to cool places and pays for you to do cool stuff like go hot tubing in hot geysers and ziplining and skydiving and bungee jumping all while being in a beautiful country.  Sounds good since I'm travelling alone, seems easy to meet people when you do things like that. 

I'm tired.  and hungry.  Steph needs to wake up so we can make our chili con carne.  Its been hilarious talking to each while grocery shopping.  Just because we both speak English doesn't mean its the same language.  We have a sashey of spices aka a packet to mix our beef with.  And we didn't go to the grocery we went to the supermarket (yahh some of you call it that and its weird).  While there I pushed the trolley around and explained to her what Hamburger Helper and Rice-A-Roni are.  We went to buy a bell pepper and she had to calm me down from thinking it was 10dollars.  It was $10/kg.  How much is a kg??  Also, there was redbull in a BOTTLE, like a beer bottle and no, they don't sell Aussie hair products here.  oh yeah, and there was a beer can looking can of Jim Beam on the side of the road on our way back.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Things I wish I had brought....

my perfume
a loofa
regular sized shampoo and conditioner
regular sized towel
beach towel
beach bag--did I think i would just bring my D&G purse down to the sand??

of course thats why Steph and I went to the mall today.  ready guys....

6 Floors and 4 Blocks

heaven? duh....

We got lost a few times and are generally tired from jet lag (i'll be blaming my lethargy on that until i'm back in the states) and from walking around all the time but it was good fun (her british-ness is rubbing off on me).  Sleeping in bunk beds on "mattresses" doesn't help either.  My pillow almost fell off the bed last night, probably wouldn't have noticed since its paper thin.  Ahh, a pillow.  Adding that to the list. 

Maybe I should have taken Bed, a new zealander, up on his offer for a 'nightcap' in the hotel  last night.  Is that what we're calling it now a days?  He was very sweet but the accent was just a bit off (sorry Piri) and he simply wasn't my type.  We told him we'd be tanning all day and to find us on the beach, oops, mother natures a bitch and made it gloomy all day.  Steph and I had too many unwanted admirers (my original title for this post) ranging from a 50yr old blown out man from Istanbul to a twenty something Brazilian guy who can't handle his liquor.  The night was still fun, we had a few beers and didn't have to pay for them.  (sidenote: Also I'll be saving lots of money on not tipping the bartenders here!)  went home around 3 and straight to bed.  Then straight to the mall in the morning!

Went grocery shopping.  Even those are strange.  The dog food was with the frozen vegetables.  Got some chicken and cereal and milk that doesn't need to be refrigerated until its opened.  Im extremely skeptical but Steph said its fine and they have in Englad too.  England is strange also though so that didn't console me too much.  We got on the public bus back with our grocery bags and stuff from the mall.
I'm a size 10 here.
Let me pause for a sec while I do one million sit-ups and go run a marathon.
I just gotta stop looking at the numbers, an 8 is a small.....8 is not a small number.

Dorian got my phone working! She is a goddess.  recieving texts is only 5cents but sending is 50 so feel free to text me but don't get offended when I ignore you and then reply 3 days later via facebook  :)

About to go cook dinner, I'll try not to burn the hostel down when I use the stove.  Good thing its raining.

im thinking in British

So, i've learned a few things since the first post was written.  Its now the second night. 

When I got back to the hostel I was able to check in and immediately got in the shower.  Mid day, so not too many people were here and the shower had hot water :)  I got back to the room and was laying in bed in the computer, contemplating taking a nap and planning dinner with Derek, the boy from the plane, via facebook.  Then someone came in the room.  a roommate!  Long blonde hair and a british accent.  Her name is Steph and she incredibly nice, we talked for about 15 minutes and, as she put it, "we got on great" hahaha we sure do.  She told me about her cell phone troubles and I told her about mine so off we went down to Bondi to find the phone store.  Good thing I went with her because when you take the streets, opposed to the 25 minute cliff walk, it was only 3 blocks and 5 minutes away.  As Dorian accurately told me the other day, I have no sense of spacial awareness.  duh. 
Well, my phone still doesn't work boo but D is going to Verizon for me tomorrow to get it up and running i hope.  then she and I walked up and down the beach bonding over our sunburns and love for the australian accent. We came back to the room and were planning on getting dinner with Derek.  he was supposed to meet us at the McDonalds at 730.  By the time 8 rolled around we were both so starving that we had to move on and get dinner without him.  Ate at a place called Bondi Pizza, 25dollars each! for a pizza.  It was freakishly deliscous though and made us both about 10x happier.  We walked back to the room and got ready for bed.  With the light still on, considering it was only 930 it wasn't too weird, we both passed out. 

Today I woke up at 10 after the most glorious 12 hour nights sleep I've ever had.  Tried to meet up with Morgan, the girl from the plane, at 11 for a walking tour of Sydney but I didn't make it in time.  Instead I wandered, had an icecream, checked out the Opera House and walked around Circular Quay (pronounced "key"...oz is strange) and then took the bus back.  Was going to nap but then had things to do online.  Need to buy a ticket to New Zeland and decide which city I'm flying back to.  Im going to meet Piri for a bit in the Bay of Islands...EVERYONE GOOGLE IT NOW :) because i'm sooo excited to go there!

Also, Steph and I booked a twin room at Noahs hostel, which is literally right across the street from the ocean for when we check out Monday for about 8 or days.  I can't remember.  But I'm glad we 'get on' so well!

Now we're off to meet the boys we met on the beach in the city.  he's been texting her and the first thing he said was 'hey gorgeous'...I think its gonna be a good night!

First Day

Well, here I am! I finally made it, after lots of talk and not too much planning. Only a 14 hour plane ride in which the woman in front of me must have swallowed her entire bottle of sleeping pills. She had her chair pushed back the entire time, which in itself is not a problem. my personal problem was that MY chair did not push back. This made eating the 3 meals served a tad difficult considering the tray was almost touching my stomach and manuevering the food from there to my mouth without hitting her chair became difficult. After getting off the plane I wandered around the Sydney airport for about 20 minutes trying to figure out what I was going to do. Being homeless at that moment, the first priority was finding a place to stay that night. A girl I met in SFO who was on my plane caught up with me in the airport and told me to book at her hostel, gave me her name and said I should request that we be in the same room! Did I make a best friend already? She is from Chicago and has school starting in 2 weeks about 90 kilometers South of Sydney. She is very chatty, mom thought she was just drunk. She was going to drop her bags off at the University and I said I would wait for her at the hostel. Perfect! slight glitch in the plan though. When I went to the airport concierge to book the room it was all sold out. So was the hostel that the boy on the plane next to me was staying at. Drats.
oh well
They are both staying in the city and I am now at Bondi Beach. Kind of. More like Tamarama, which is just as beautiful and only about 4 times smaller. I landed at 8 and after all the wandering and confusion at the airport took a shuttle to arrive at my hostel, Bondi BeachHouse, at 11. Check-in isn't until 1 so I needed to find something to do--without hefting my huge backpack around. So I've rented a locker and then went on a walk. Down to Tamarama and wanted to come straight to Bondi. Good thing I asked for directions because I was headed in the opposite direction. Only a 15 minute walk along a beautiful beach path and I made it to the actual Bondi Beach! I'm still tired and desparately need to shower but I just ate so I'm decently happy. I'm currently sitting at an outside table at a cafe where there are some very feisty pigeons. One just took a french fry off my plate so I grabbed my fork to scare. It didn't work. I just ended up hitting a pigeon with a fork while he stole my food. Oh well, the view makes it worth it. Its now 12:30 so I think I'll make my way back to the hostel for a shower and a nap. I need to make sure I don't sleep too long though because I heard rumor from some Tazmania girls that there is a free movie on the beach tonight.