Monday, April 4, 2011


WOW its been forever.  Sorry, I'm a horrible blogger.  I was just looking at my last one and I was still in NZ.  Crazy.
Quick Update:

Went to Auckland on Saturday and was there until the 10th when I flew into Brisbane.  I almost missed my flight.  It was really early. I got up on time, I made it to the airport and through security all the way to the gate.  Then I fell asleep.  Luckily someone woke me up when boarding was about 2/3 done and asked if this was my flight.   Ummm I'm sleeping AT THE GATE of an early morning international flight.  Of course this is my flight.  I don't do that for kicks. 

Got to Brisbane and there was a shuttle into the city leaving in about 10 minutes, perfect :)  Met an Irish boy who had never been out of the country and decided to do his year long Visa.  We were talking but he just kept looking out the windows and then finally commented on how high the buildings are.  They were about 4 stories....

Got to the hostel around 11 but check in wasn't until 1.  I requested to be in the same room as Steph, who had already been there for 5 days, and she said that was fine and I could go up to the room because it was cleaned already.  Perfect!  So then she explained where the room was and this girl standing there said she had just checked out and would take me up so I followed her around this huge building to the tiniest room I've ever seen.  Shoved my bag under the bed, grabbed my computer and headed off to Maccers.  Free Internet!   Sitting with my meal off the dollar menu and STILL recovering from the night before (yes, this was one of the longest days I've ever had....stupid time changes and airplanes and hangovers)  I eventually glance around and see Steph sitting at a table about 5 feet away!  I screech her name, see her jump from sheer fright (the guy next to me looks scared as well....whatever, I was excited), grabbed my stuff and moved to her table.  It had been TEN WHOLE DAYS.

Travel days are different than regular days.  Something can have happened 5 days ago and I would bet my life it had been 2 weeks.  So much can happen, you can meet new people and have life changing experiences in 24 hours.  So yes, still in caps, 10 WHOLE DAYS. 

We got back to the hostel and walk through the corridors to our room until eventually we both start going in opposite directions.  I had said the same room...?  The girl who had led me to the room had led me to the wrong room.  There are multiple rooms numbered 214 in this hostel.  About 4.  WHY??  I had my stuff in the wrong room.....awkward.  Obviously my key didn't work so I had to knock, woke someone up and explain that I needed to get my stuff because Oops, I'm not supposed to have taken that bed.  Good I didn't unpack more than my computer.

The next day, 35 dollars, an aussie phone, and a 2 hour shuttle ride later we are in Byron Bay!  We booked a dorm for a week at a hostel and then went off to find our friends from Bondi.  While I was in NZ the group had made their way north to Byron and now we could all meet up again :) 

Steph and I planned on staying for 1 week.   It has now been 3 weeks.  This morning we paid for another week in the hostel.  oops.....

Byron is beautiful and amazing and sunny and sometimes rainy in the afternoons now that summer is officially over and the beach is literally 1 minute from my room  :)   This is the place photographs of dolphins swimming in the waves are taken.  And I've seen it. 

The night life is awesome.  Every night people are going out.  Everyone is super nice too, especially since we have been here for so long.  Most people come in just for the weekend or a week and then leave but we have been here long enough that people who stay and work recognize us-- which we take full advantage of while we are out.  Being friends with managers and bouncers and bartenders never hurts :)  Plus some of my friends are working for the hostels too which brings a whole new level of benefit to the equation.

Not to mention, in about 45 minutes I start my first night of work at Cocomanga's, one of the bars in town.  All I have to do is go around to different hostels for 2 hours handing out wrist bands and the manager will give me 30dollars.  Easy peasy  :)  Tonight, tomorrow and wednesday!  probably (I hope) next week too! 

Who knew, come all the way to Australia and I still end up working in a bar......

1 comment:

  1. Haha I am just reading this now. You had some great adventures! And more coming soon. Can't wait to meet Cameron and the new babe soon.
